Shrinika is a budding nine year old writer, whose journal beautifully records the colourful world inside her creative mind! She sees life through a kaleidoscope, with eyes full of wonder and a mind full of imagination! As author Swetha Prakash rightly states; 'her writings are something to watch out for'. Many of her shorter journals have been featured in 'The Hindu' Newspaper...and this young writer is just getting started! Author Bio: Shrinika Satish Babu, born on the 14th of February 2012, is an inquisitive and bubbly nine year old girl, whose vivid imagination adds colour to both, her life and the lives of those around her. She is, at present, an ardent 4th grade student at ?The Aalam International School?, Coimbatore. From a very young age, Shrinika has always loved to imagine a world of her own, and enjoys expressing them through her journals and stories. Many of her journals have been published in the ?The Hindu? Newspaper (School Column). Shrinika is a girl of many passions. Other than being a talented young writer, she also pursues her interests in dance, music and Baking! Praise for the book: Shrinika?s writing is confident and engaging. As an insightful and imaginative 9 year old, her writing is something to watch out for. She watches and records life carefully and wonderfully. Swetha Prakash
Diary of a Little Girl - Dust Jacket
SKU: DJAG15084118