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Nature Sketch

Nature Sketch: A Poem about the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Australia is written to serenade the "silent sentries", also known as the Twelve Apostles, which is the name for the intriguing limestone landforms located along Great Ocean Road. The poetry adopts the style of descriptive sketches by notable Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth and John Keats. It invites readers to relish the gems found within the narrative about Nature's work of art and develop a love and appreciation for the beauty of Nature. It also has a theme about the struggles of Nature's last bastions through trials and tribulations that speak of bravado, resilience and triumph. The poem thus serves as an allegory, which anyone can relate to and draw inspiration from so that they will ultimately find hope in overcoming challenges in their own lives.

About the Author

Jimmy Tan San Tek was born in Singapore, an island-state in Southeast Asia, in 1973. He studied Geography and English Language as his subject majors in National University of Singapore (NUS), where he contributed a travel article about his field trip in Australia in Geosphere, a magazine published by NUS Geographical Society in 1995-96. He self-published his debut poetry book Nature Sketch: A Poem about the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Australia in 2018, through the support of his Kickstarter campaign backers. He has volunteered for NParks in nature conservation activities in Singapore, and has about 20 years of working experience in editing and proofreading in the educational publishing industry.

Jimmy Tan San Tek

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