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Not So Far Not So Close

A Silent Love

Before their confessions showed them a rainbow, they drifted apart above the imagination in those falling snow. Living far from each other, and yet so close with the letters, their love flitted them above the sky. But their feelings ran into chaos, when their first meet comes within the starting days of winter. Will they meet someday at their rendezvous place? Will their love last?

About the Author

Known by his pen name, Vinay Enjapuri, he is an undergraduate student in BSc with Mathematics as his specialisation. His passion towards the writing career began to rise when he was studying in his tenth board and it was his first love story. From there, the bounces have taken him to a level of determination, where writing is only a sacred place, he wishes for. He was inspired by Japanese literature and began the life of an Author.

Vinay Enjapuri

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