Prayer Earthquake Against Demonic Third Eye
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Prayer Earthquake Against Demonic Third Eye

The demonic third eye is the dark mystery behind the immediate and silently conceived attacks in several marriages, especially after the honeymoon, which no kind of rationalistic human reasoning can explain. The activities of the demonic third eye have turned the honey of some homes into water of bitterness. They may come in disguise, in different veils and with different names. The high priests of witchcraft are Hamans. It is time for them to know that there are Esthers in the kingdom. As a woman, you have the calling of the prophetess of God to fulfil in your family, in your life, in your community, in the nation The prayers in this book are for divine intercession against spiritual adversaries. These prayers are to rebuke those who practice defilement, magic, and negative vibrations against you. It is time for the demonic antagonists to be hanged as high as Haman.

About the Author

Shola Balogun received his Master’s degree in Theatre Arts from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He also obtained a Christian leadership certificate from the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries' House Fellowship Leaders Training School, Lagos. He has screenplay ed The gods are Liars, Wrestling with Shadows and Deliverance from the Rod of the Wicked, based on the messages of Dr.D. K. Olukoya, which have been made into short films. Called “an important voice in African-and world-poetry” by Bewildering Stories, he has been featured as a guest writer and contributor, especially in the areas of poetry, postcolonial studies and dramatic criticism to various magazines, anthologies and journals.

Shola Balogun

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