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Spirians The Beginning

Spirian Saga Book 1

Armen knew a time when Earth existed in peace. Now, the Shadows rule the Earth and Armen feels the threat of extinction—until Shanuk, a cocky young warrior, reveals gifts that were never before witnessed. Shanuk shows promise, but power comes with a price. Shanuk can mature into the most powerful Spirian in history, or become a devastating Shadow. Like most Spirians with formidable gifts, venturing to the dark side is a tempting choice—one that has not escaped the Shadows’ notice. Bayour, Shadow leader and a puissant adversary, wants Shanuk to join his horde and rule by his side. If he succeeds, the Spirians will be annihilated.

About the Author

Rowena lost her vision to Retinitis Pigmentosa, but her passion for writing stories never diminished. There is at least one blind character in each of her stories. She does this to help educate others about the mad skills blind people have and to offer an insight to how they live their lives. In her spare time, she volunteers as an educator to blind students and records books for Learning Ally. She and her deaf husband live in Colorado.

Rowena Portch

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