The most neglected relationship is with yourself. Oftentimes, we give so much love and care for others, and give what?s just left for us, worst is we forget to care for ourselves the way we do for others. Self-love is more than the physical self-care: of pampering our bodies, enjoying what we want to do or where we spend time for our passions. It is more than the tangible things we provide ourselves with, as a gift or reward for an achievement. It is more than being kind to ourselves. Self-love is self-preservation of our sanity, our safety and our spirituality. It is loving the wholeness in us, the acceptance of our flaws and faults, the sense of self-worth. We all know these things, but it is the hardest to do: to love ourselves first. Thus, our love tank often runs dry of the supply of love to sustain us, simply because we sacrifice self-love. Know the five worst effects of sacrificing self-love, have a self-check as you go through each pages, and begin to affirm and promise to love yourself more!
Dear Self I Must Love You More - Dust Jacket