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The human mind constantly fluctuates between the present, the past, and the
future. In good times, it embarks on weaving happy dreams. In bad times, it
goes to the past and remembers happy times, while it jumps to the future and
thinks worrisome thoughts. Either way, it distracts us from reality, and as a
result, we lose control of our thoughts and feelings, ultimately affecting our
decision-making ability.
The following poems describe different moods of a floating mind. When it
is restless, its thoughts are dominated by anxiety and fear. In a calm state, it is
connected to the soul and generates thoughts of hope and courage.
Through these poems, the poet conveys that love is an innate quality of
humankind which, however, is not let overwhelm life by the mind. Since the
mind is fed with news of hunger, hatred, and conspiracies worldwide, it tends
to miss the bliss of love that is the cure for all evil.

Floating Mind - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15083077
  • Kuldeep Sharma