"Among the things that can occupy the human mind positively and arouse
curiousity is research. A sound research project can keep a researcher
happily spellbound for years, and can also give rise to many projects which
in return might initiate development, and create employment. It can
equally reduce crime wave, or chase away ignorance in our youths and so
on in a given society or beyond. This book therefore is an eye-opener into
the research world and is based on the findings of well-known researchers,
likewise those that are not known, but who have contributed positively in
particular moments. The book is made up of nine chapters. Chapter one
highlights Giants in the field of research such as. Nicolaus Copernicus,
Galileo. Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
and others. Chapter two suggests places from where researchers can be
observed or groomed. Chapter three handles the soft skills or �who you are�,
that are very necessary to succeed as a researcher. Chapter four, chapter
five, chapter six, chapter seven, chapter eight and chapter nine examine
hard skills or �what you should know� in order to be a research giant, (the
definition of research, research paradigms, elements of research paradigms,
research approaches, research designs, and research methodologies). This
book is appropriate as a text for minds-building and awareness creation in
the world of research. It is intended for students, teachers and youths."
General Knowledge in Research For Beginners - Dust Jacket
- Dr Julius Nang Kum