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?A man without hope and dreams is a man with fear of failure.?
This book is a collection of short stories with the theme of hopes and dreams. The author wrote this book for you to experience the incredible sense of hope and to get a lesson that will last a lifetime.                       
The characters in this book have proven that the key that makes people dream possible is hope. If you have hope in your heart, it only means that you will keep moving despite challenges. But if you lose hope, then it means you?ll get stuck to where you are.        The characters In this book came to experience the bitter and sour sting of life, but they kept moving even when there seemed to be no hope at all. They continued to strive harder and trust God?s plan. They did their task to the best of their abilities, so in the end, they tasted the sweet taste of life.

Hopes & Dreams - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15083946
  • Monica D. Tenerife