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Jeremiad: Sepulchral Energies is a collection of cries. Cries of food shortages, cries of ecstasy, of injustice, of segregation, of corruption, of rape, of stereotyping, of tranquility and of political marginalization. The tears that run through expressive work which sum up this collection is aim to uphold the virtue as a lasting monument. The sound in each cry: that of a child, that of mother, and that of the father and that of ghost forms up the subtitle of this collection. Sepulchral Energies delves off from contemporary poetry, it differentiates itself with hard evocative metaphors that forms the mundane flow of a neo-fatalist ideation; raising the bleached voice that expresses reality inside and beyond our fence world. The plurality of man is being construed by few whose hands to power thwart the common edifice and fate of our social communioning. Our togetherness as cultured soul is being trial by multi-facet beings, this multifaceted beings tortured our togetherness via modern stooges, comprising of adulterous streamlining, banditry, racing stereotyping and biasness in jab and the lost of trust in jab.

Jeremiad: Sepulchral energies - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15083889
  • Martin Ijir