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Lotus on my palm is the translation of the original Assamese poetry collection
Karatala Kamala composed by Devajit Bhuyan. The uniqueness of the original book
was that it was written without and kar prevalent in Indian languages like Sanskrit,
Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Gujrati etc. The kar or symbol is used in Indian languages
instead of vowels used in English language. Lotus on my palm is not the word-byword
translation of the original Assamese book as it is not possible to translate
the book without using vowels A, E, I, O, U. Only the theme and meaning of the
poems were kept intact as author himself translated it from the original Assamese
version. For Karatala Kamala Devajit Bhuyan was awarded as poet of the year, 2022
at Kolkata Literary Carnival (KLC). The original book got immense popularity in
Assam as it is the first book written in such style after 600 years of departure of
Sankardeva, who introduced this style and subsequently the style became defunct.

Lotus on my palm

  • Devajit Bhuyan
  • All items are non returnable and non refundable