Love Destiny - Dust Jacket | Ukiyoto
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First Lieutenant Sofiah was a dedicated and cheeky military doctor. She was just starting her career for a few months. But what would happen when she needs to report under her long-time enemy?


Prince Matin or simply known as Captain Matin was a cold-hearted, savage and mean air force officer. She just decided to be professional, but what would happen when she gets on his nerves?


?I can take your wings, Captain.? ? Lieutenant Sofiah

?Oh, you can?t.? ? Captain Matin

?Of course, I can. Do you want me to show you?? ? Lieutenant Sofiah

?You know what? I?m still your commanding officer and starting from this moment, I will make your life a living hell!? ? Captain Matin

?My pleasure, Sir.? ? Lieutenant Sofiah


How can she survive in the military world under this cold-hearted captain?


His twin younger brother, Prince Mazid was an easy-going and cheerful polo player who had feelings towards Sofiah.


What would happen when the twin brothers fell in love with the same girl? Who will she choose? A long-time enemy Captain Matin or a royal playboy Prince Mazid?

Love Destiny - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15084148
  • Paperback

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