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Song of My Country is a testament of the defacing reality of a state, occasioned by what could be described as aborted democracy. It is through this disgusting reality that the persona tiptoes, like a child stepping on his father�s carcass, from poem to poem as he recounts not just issues of national import but those of regional concerns and, in some cases, those personal to the poet. The collection is an emblem of the poet�s artistic grace. Each poem typifies originality even as the poet, judging from his tone and expression, is not reserved about his literary parentage.

�Saro Ogumba, Author of Thirty Pieces of Silver

Onyeche�s Song Of My Country is brimming with many questions about what ought to be a way forward for a nation like Nigeria, Africa, and the entire human world. He related to the things that had befallen the nation as it keeps moving in the opposite direction of the preassumed forefathers foresees and requested freedom from the hands of their colonial masters. With the day-to-day backwardsness and the recent developments in the wrong direction, Samuel laments on the premises that this is not the right way to go, if only we can be bold enough to confront the ills done with our system of government. This is a thought in time for everyone, who is thinking about a way forward for the country, continent, and the world at large.

�John Chinaka Onyeche, Author of STATELESS

Song of my Country is a revolutionary book, birthed by pain, tears, and patriotism. It is a detailed poetry anthology that mirrors the political, social cum economic state of Nigeria and the world at large. It embodies powerful poems such as: �Wolves as Shepherds�, �When We Cry In The Rain�, and  �The Things At War With Us�  and many others which highlights the activities of corrupt politicians, greedy leaders, tribalistic cabals, and nepotistic electoral officers. Onyeche weeps as he sings the song of his beloved country.

�Samuel Onyeche, Author of Ijikrika; Canticles from Africa

Song of my country - Dust Jacket

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  • Samuel Onyeche