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"The Problem Of The Gods" is a historical fiction novel that depicts the evil acts of men in those days when Nigeria was not colonized by civilization. Some parts of the Ibibio/Efik villages were worshiping idols, using the power of their forefathers to perform wonders and evil manipulations. Akarika was a witch doctor, who in those days was an evil man. Many innocent souls' blood was stained in his hand.
  It also revolves around the barbaric Nigerian culture that affects Ibibio widows. It focuses on the pains and rejections they must endure while grieving their husbands. This can be seen in the life of Inemesit after she lost her husband Effiong, who was one of the best hunters of the time. The exercise totally dehumanized her. 
  Then the story talked about some of the culture and lifestyle of the Ibibio people in the southern part of Nigeria African countries.

The Problem Of The Gods - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15083184
  • Johnson Ezekiel Sunday