Rights Table
We have a global marketplace for the trading of content rights. We provide the platform for authors, publishers, agencies, and rights holders to easily and quickly buy and sell rights of translation or distribution of books across geographies or languages.
We are proud to say that our platform is the most comprehensive in the industry. Our experienced team of professionals have the expertise to help you find the rights you need quickly and at the best price. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, we are the perfect partner for you.
Our Catalogue
How does it work?
Select the title that you would want to procure rights for.
Mention the geographies or the languages you would be interested in.
Submit your application.
Our rights manager would get back to you for further discussions.
Do you want us to represent your work?
Our literary agency, Sueños by Ukiyoto represents titles at International Rights tables such as in Frankfurt, Sharjah, London and many other places throughout the year. If you want us to represent your titles for those not published by us, kindly write to us at, publishing@ukiyoto.com.